6 research outputs found

    Defining and Using Collaboration Patterns for Software Process Development

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    International audienceCollaboration patterns are an efficient way to define, reuse and enact collaborative software development processes. We propose an approach to define and apply collaboration patterns at modelling, instantiation or execution time. Our patterns, inspired from workflow patterns, are described in CMSPEM, a Process Modelling Language developed in our team. In this paper, we briefly describe the CMSPEM metamodel and focus our presentation on two collaboration patterns: Duplicate in Sequence with Multiple Actors, Duplicate in Parallel with Multiple Actors and Merge. The approach is illustrated by a case study concerning the collaborative process “Review a deliverable

    Supporting Collaborative Development Using Process Models: A Tool Integration-Focused Approach

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    International audienceCollaboration in software engineering projects is usually intensive and requires adequate support by well-integrated tools. However, process-centered software engineering environ ments (PSEE) have traditionallybeen designed to exploit integration facilities in other tools, while offering themselves little to no such facilities.This is in line with the vision of the PSEE as the central orchestrator of project support tools. We argue that thisview has hindered the widespread adoption of process-based collaboration support tools by incurring too muchadoption and switching costs. We propose a new process-based collaboration support architecture, backed by aprocess metamodel, that can easily be integrated with existing tools. The proposed architecture revolves aroundthe central concepts of ‘deep links’ and ‘hooks’. Our approach is validated by analyzing a collection of open-source projects, and integration utilities based on the implemented process model server have been developed

    Towards a tool-supported approach for collaborative process modeling and enactment

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    International audienceIn software engineering, as in any collective endeavor, understanding and supporting collaboration is a major concern. Unfortunately, the main concepts of popular process formalisms are not always adequate to describe collaboration. We extend the Software & System Process Engineering Meta-Model (SPEM) by introducing concepts needed to represent precise and dynamic collaboration setups that practitioners create to address ever-changing challenges. Our goal is to give practitioners the ability to express evolving understanding about collaboration in a formalism suited for easy representation and tool-provided assistance. Our work is based on a collaborative process metamodel we have developed. In this paper, we first present a meta-process for process modeling and enactment, which we apply to our collaborative process metamodel. Then we describe the implementation of a suitable process model editor, and a project plan generator from process models

    Spem4mde : Un mĂ©tamodĂšle et un environnement pour la modĂ©lisation et la mise en Ɠuvre assistĂ©e de processus IDM

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    International audienceL'avĂšnement de l'IDM (IngĂ©nierie DirigĂ©e par les ModĂšles) a suscitĂ© beaucoup d'intĂ©rĂȘt de la part des organisations qui de fait commencent Ă  transformer leur processus de dĂ©veloppement traditionnel en un processus de dĂ©veloppement dirigĂ© par les modĂšles, appelĂ© aussi processus IDM. Au moment oĂč ces processus commencent Ă  Ă©merger, nous notons l'absence d'un langage dĂ©diĂ© pour les modĂ©liser et les mettre en oeuvre. Le standard SPEM 2.0 propose des concepts gĂ©nĂ©riques qui sont supposĂ©s ĂȘtre capables de dĂ©crire tout type de processus logiciel. Cependant, les concepts de SPEM ne capturent pas la nature exacte des processus IDM. D'autre part, une autre insuffisance majeure de SPEM rĂ©side dans le fait qu'il n'intĂšgre pas les concepts relatifs Ă  la mise en oeuvre des processus. L'objectif de ce travail est triple : (1) proposer une extension de SPEM dans laquelle les concepts centraux des processus IDM sont rĂ©ifiĂ©s ; (2) proposer un langage dĂ©diĂ© Ă  la modĂ©lisation comportementale des processus IDM ; (3) proposer une architecture conceptuelle d'un environnement logiciel d'aide Ă  la modĂ©lisation et Ă  la mise en oeuvre des processus IDM

    Exploiting Process Events for the Integration of Collaborative Software Development Tools

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    International audience"Hooks" are an important part of tool integration in software engineering. They allow any development tool to broadcast a development event to some subscribing tools. Most of the existing software development tools have a rich catalog of well-defined events which can be exploited by third parties. This allows any tool to have a complete view of the development environment, without forcing the team to adopt a monolithic, all-encompassing tool. However, process-support tools have been rather weak as contributors to such integration strategy, giving preference to a style of integration where the process-support tool is the central orchestrator of the development environment. This study argues that not only do process support-tools have a rich catalog of events of interest to third party tool but the availability of such events can also significantly improve the overall level of development support. It thus proposed formalism for modeling process events, identified a set of process events of interest for other development tools and described an implementation of the approach in a process server

    An Approach to Define and Apply Collaboration Process Patterns for Software Development

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    International audienceComplex system developments are more and more collaborative. Collaboration strategies largely depend on the development context at modelling, instantiation or enactment time. To put collaboration in action, we propose collaboration process patterns to define, reuse and enact collaborative software development processes. In this paper we describe the definition and application of collaboration patterns. Our patterns, inspired from workflow patterns of Van der Aalst, are described in CMSPEM, a Process Modelling Language developed in our team in 2014. In this paper, we briefly describe the CMSPEM metamodel and focus our presentation on two collaboration patterns: Duplicate in Sequence with Multiple Actors, Duplicate in Parallel with Multiple Actors and Merge. The approach is illustrated by a case study concerning the collaborative and representative process “Review a deliverable”